In this section enter details about your associations with professional organisations. 

For example: "You are a member of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India", "You are the Secretary of Rotary Wing Society of India", etc.
  • It is advisable not to mention associations that indicate religious affiliation, political identification, ethnicity, or race
  • Do not list an affiliation unless you believe its adds credibility or value to your resume
  • While writing your duties (if any) show how they make you fit for the job you are applying. For example, a bank manager might not care that you are a member of a karate club, but by stating that you are responsible for paying the club's bills and setting its annual budget, the experience will appear much more relevant to a bank position or anything else related to finance
What is a professional Forum?

A professional organization is a body whose primary objective is to promote a particular profession, the interests of individuals engaged in that profession and public interest. "Institute of Chartered Accountants of India", "ICTACEM", "Rotary Wing Society of India", etc are some professional organisations in India.

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