With cutthroat competition, it is important to have not only the latest skills but also the most up to date and polished resume. It is a trend to keep things classy and minimalistic, so here are some resume tips to get hired and stay trendy! These tips will also help you to avoid resume mistakes.


An objective usually comes at the beginning of a resume which is the golden part of a resume to get a recruiter’s attention and using that section to tell what you want from the company instead of portraying why you are the one they’re looking for is not a great idea. An added risk is, if the objective is slightly long, you’ll lose their interest then and there. Unless and until you have a big thing to clear up beforehand, like a major career change or a gap, it is better to skip it completely as it is not required. 

Here’s a trick, think like a recruiter, it will help you understand what to write and how long it should be. Ask yourself if you’d be interested in reading that long introduction paragraph when you’re hungry and missed lunch by 45 mins. If the answer to such a question is no, you have your answer, don’t include it.


A headline space is the front top part of your resume, making the best use of that space is important, and writing down contact details at the top can be a waste of this crucial space. You can shift the contact details to the end of the resume. Make use of that space by writing only the essentials such as your name and relevant skills. 

A cherry on top would be to include your achievements and successful projects that use the skill that the recruiters mention on the job listing in this area. Make sections of all the information you want to put in your resume and then carefully prioritize their placement before writing down your resume. The headline area of your resume is like the first impression for your resume, so make it count


The reverse chronological manner, as the name suggests to write starting from the latest experience first to the oldest experience. A recruiter is often tired and their attention span reduces due to the workload so including information that is not relevant is eating up time. Old experiences don’t have as much impact as the market today changes very rapidly, thus only the recent experiences are given importance and if they don’t find the specifics they want on your resume quickly, there is a huge chance you get eliminated in the first round. After all, who you are today matters more than who you were.


One thing many people do is hesitate to ask for help, if you get stuck at a point or have a unique situation/ problem then it is always a good idea to ask for help. Seek professional help from companies that offer resume writers or resume designs such as cvDragon

Look for senior professionals in your field of work and email them for help with your projects or request an informational interview so that you get an insight into what you need to prepare. In a situation where the person agrees to help you out keep in mind the fact that you should be respectful about their time. Prepare beforehand all the questions and doubts you have and bend according to their time as much as possible, it is a favor from their side after all. Do not try to ask them to set up a sort of connection between you and the company, they are there to guide you and nothing else. Asking for these uncalled things not only creates a bad impression but also puts them in a difficult spot thus reducing the chances of them ever helping out anyone again.


According to fool.com 40% of hiring managers do not spend more than a minute reviewing a resume. hence, make sure that your resume highlights all your good points.

Another thing that never goes out of trend is to have a humble yet confident body language. Following these simple resume tricks will help you achieve a sparkling good resume . If you liked the above article then let us know in the comments below and write down what you would like to read next! All the best!


CVDragon is an online platform that helps you create your resume quickly and professionally. It removes the hassle and struggle of figuring out what to include and how to format everything by offering "Key Phrases" written by experts and more than 50 resume formats and styles.

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