
What is an ASCII text resume?

An ASCII text resume by definition is an electronic resume written in normal, plain text which can be read by any computer or software. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. The reason ASCII text is used to enter resume information, which can then be cut and paste Read more…

By cvDragonIndia, ago

What is your CV of failures?

A CV of failures is a CV that significantly presents an image of a failed candidate. Such resumes can always be found and are easily detectable. My CV of failures is the one that is overloaded with visibly fake experiences and false skill sets. Moreover, it is filled with exaggerations, Read more…

By cvDragonIndia, ago

How should my resume be setup?

A resume should be a brief recap of all you have done starting from your college times up to the very recent experience. This is the chronological order but there has been a trend of writing reverse-chronological resumes highlighting the most relevant and important experience first. In its entirety a Read more…

By cvDragonIndia, ago