First, when the recruiter examines your resume they observe how it’s presented, is it onepaged or two-paged, the format used and other important information in it.

So, we prefer you to use the reverse chronological format which is simple and presents your work experiences starting from recent to the older times. The only question the recruiters think will be, “Why should we hire you and not anyone else?”

So, this question must be answered in your resume in a simple, creative, and unique way that it draws all eyes on you. Uniqueness is the most important thing on your resume.

Be creative, don’t copy someone else. Make your own resume. The Employer needs to think you’re qualified enough for the particular. A resume with zero errors and sufficient details can give you an opportunity to win the race. The resume must literally showcase yourself on a paper/ document.


CVDragon is an online platform that helps you create your resume quickly and professionally. It removes the hassle and struggle of figuring out what to include and how to format everything by offering "Key Phrases" written by experts and more than 50 resume formats and styles.

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