You created your resume, recorded all your hard work on a sheet of paper, filled out the job application, updated your resume and clicked “Submit.”

But, what happened? As the days or weeks pass, you never receive a phone call or email from the employer. Did you find a reason for it? We will help you.

Unknowing to many job seekers, approximately 70% of resumes received by employers large or small are never seen by them. Reason being, all employers now use a system called the Applicant Tracking Software to fish out the information from your resume and map it into a database. From this information, the system will assign the resume a score based on how well it matches the job requirement. It then ranks and sorts all candidates. Naturally, the potential employees with the highest scores move on, while others are left in the rejected pile.

Now there are many ways in which your resume can come up the rank of Applicant Tracking System. Few are mentioned below. For more, you can visit .

Use Language from the Job Description: Look through the job listing to identify the skills required. Determine the industry terms, buzzwords and jargon which are used most frequently in the job description and incorporate these words into your resume whenever possible and applicable — the ATS is looking for these keywords.

Get Rid of Images and Graphics: The ATS generally breaks down the information you’re providing and sorts it into different sections. It will not be able to read or understand an image.

Choose Fonts Carefully: Stick with commonly used fonts like Arial, Georgia, Impact, Courier, Lucinda, Tahoma or Trebuchet. Do not try to experiment with fonts. It might obstruct the ATS. For more reference see the database section of

Get Rid of Irrelevant Information: Only include past positions and skills that are relevant to the job at hand. Irrelevant positions just end up as filler — a waste of valuable space on your resume.

Don’t Use Any Special Characters: Standard bullets are fine, but other characters (such as arrows) can cause issues that could prevent the ATS from correctly identifying your information.

Always keep in mind ATS while preparing your resume, then you can smoothly optimize your resume. For help, is always there.


Categories: Tips & Suggestions


CVDragon is an online platform that helps you create your resume quickly and professionally. It removes the hassle and struggle of figuring out what to include and how to format everything by offering "Key Phrases" written by experts and more than 50 resume formats and styles.

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